While there are many ethical dilemmas surrounding Colombia, including drug trade, guerrilla warfare & poverty, I feel the need to discuss perhaps a lesser known issue, but one that is most relevant to travellers and tourists alike. Kidnapping.
With 292 reported kidnappings in 2013 (Thrillist), the country of Colombia has one of the highest abduction rates in the world. Locals and foreigners alike are captured and held hostage for a ransom. This process, though despicable, often proves lucrative for Colombian criminals, and so remains prevalent throughout the Country.
This type of crime has developed from a combination of poverty and a weak presence of state, leading to the development of Guerilla forces that selfishly exploit innocent people.
Colombian Guerillas |
I don’t want to scare people out of their trip to Colombia. This post is purely to inform you explorers about a serious issue in South America, and how you can avoid becoming a victim. Below is a short list of things you can do in Colombia to remain safe during your adventures.
-Dress in the Colombian fashion |-Dress like a tourist
-Mainly visit large cities |-Wander through small towns
-Make friends with locals |-Show off gadgets and money
-Travel only along main roads |-Drive down quiet rural roads
-Travel with a partner or group |-Travel alone
Kidnapping is a scary and dangerous event, but in many parts of the world it can be a way of life. By being informed and travelling smarter, you can safely traverse Colombia without the fear of kidnap.
How "NOT "to act when travelling |
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